Top 5 websites providing free education to students
edX is a massive open online course provider. It hosts online university-level courses in a wide range of disciplines to a worldwide student body, including some courses at no charge. It also conducts research into learning based on how people use its platform.
Coursera is an online learning platform founded by Stanford professors Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller that offers courses, specializations, and degrees.
Howcast is a website that provides instructional short-form how-to video and content that combines practical information with various filmmaking techniques such as humor, claymation and animation.
Khan Academy has provided more than 3200 videos that famously make it easy to learn tough concepts. The offerings are heavy on math and science, including computer science. Courses are at the Kindergarten through 12th-grade level
Academic Earth rounds up online courses from accredited universities and provides them free of charge. A reading of the first and second-to-the- last subjects might interest E4C members: They are Art & Architecture and Technology & Innovation.